Salame Felino IGP

Salame Felino IGP Riserva Sant’ Antonio

24,40 €

0,7 Kg. ca.

Product Available

Salame Felino IGP - Half

11,18 €

0,3 Kg. ca.

Product Available

Salame Felino IGP in a gift box including chopping board

13,84 €

0,3 Kg. ca.

Product Available

Salame Felino IGP Riserva Sant’ Antonio con l'avvolgisalame

13,84 €

0,3 Kg. ca.

Product Available

To make our Salame Felino, we exclusively use the meat of full-grown heavy pigs, strictly raised in Italy.

The meat is minced at medium grain, with the add of salt and pepper in grains.

Only selected pork cuts are used, which allow to obtain a reduced quantity of Salame, out of every single pig.

Lined in natural gut and hand-tied, Salame is hung and air-dried in special drying rooms, a process that is favoured by the typical micro-climate in our region.
The result is our Salame Felino Sant'Antonio: delicate, never sour, always friable, with a compact and resistant slice.

It should always be sliced at a 60° angle, using a very sharp knife; each slice should be as thick as a peppercorn grain.

In the dungeons of the Felino Castle the Salame Felino Museum was recently inaugurated. BOOKINGS: +39 0521 336020.

Salame Felino is an essential component of any classic parmesan antipasto and should be eaten either accompanied with home-made bread or even better with some Torta fritta (fried bread). In the best restaurants in Parma you can taste home-made Salame Felino produced by La Fattoria di Parma.
Salame Felino takes its name after the town where it was first made, Felino: 4 KM far from La Fattoria di Parma.

Salame Felino is one of the most appreciated salume from Parma.
Salame Felino owes its wonderful taste to its century-old tradition, which prescribes a medium-big grain mince of selected pork cuts, rigorously spiced to measure and cured for a right number of months.

In a nutshell, Salame Felino is still the oldest and more traditional salume that used to be produced in our valleys, with a perfect balance of lean and fat amounts and an unmistakable flavour.

From antipasto to tea break, Salame Felino is one of the most appetizing gastronomic specialities from Parma, appreciated at any age.
During the taste education tour in our factory (view page) you'll have the chance to see how Felino is made and taste it.

Tasting is made in parallel with another important variety of Salame: the Strolghino.
The tasting is guided so our participants can learn and understand how to recognise the differences between Salame Strolghino and Salame Felino, two great varieties of cured meat, without missing any nuance.
Besides Salame Felino and Salame Strolghino, visitors will be able to taste Culatello di Zibello with rind (Culaccia), Parma ham, Fiocco di Prosciutto and Parmigiano-Reggiano Selezione Riserva by La Fattoria di Parma.
Salame Felino is a protagonist in our gift baskets.

Visit the gallery of our gastronomic gift baskets.

Do you want to learn how to make Salame Felino?Participate to our tour "I’ll make my own salame!”

Contact us: 0521/825137

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