Fiocco di Prosciutto

Magro di Culatello - Intero

70,20 €

2,4 Kg. ca.

Product Available

Magro di Culatello - Dimezzato

38,92 €

1,2 Kg. ca.

Product Available

Fiocco con tagliere

52,95 €

1,2 Kg. ca.

Product Available

After cutting off the Culatello from a whole pig's leg, what remains is called Fiocco di prosciutto. 
The seasoning and curing process is the same as Culatello; just the ageing period is shorter, because the meat is leaner. 

Ruby coloured and extremely lean, Fiocco's meat release an intense perfume. 
The slice is uniform and the flavour is fulfilling.

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